Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bring on the Rain

It's been awhile since we've seen a gloomy weekend. To be honest, I was really glad rain and clouds moved in on Friday. Of course, all the parade goers wanted a nice sunny day, and it seems for the most part, the rain stayed away for the majority of the parade. But when the skies opened up in the afternoon, it brought a smile to my face.

Before I get the hate comments; here's why. I am the master of procrastination when it comes to cleaning the house. Rainy weekends are the only time I really roll up my sleeves and get to the dirty work of cleaning the showers, toilets, ect. It usually takes me both days to do a real thorough job. As I write this, there is still dusting, laundry and vacuuming to finish.

Time is of the essence this weekend. My mom will be in town Friday, and my mom is the female version of Mr. Clean. Her house is spick and span, so she would definitely size up my ability to keep the house clean. I don't want to disappoint.

Now the challenge, keeping it that way until she gets here. That is five days away after all.

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